The Empire Hotel's Staff Party

Yesterday I macam like the Michael Jack Fox sit one the time machine car back to the 70's and The Empire Hotel Grand Hall. Of coz not the real one la coz they having their staff party last night there and the theme is 60's and 70's. I wasn't invite but I just want to take my wife picture coz she also got perform on that night. Last night I saw many celebrity in the hall there, got Boney. M, Elvis PresleyP. Ramlee, Elton Jone and Paul Makantai McCartney and some fat and skinny James Dean. I try to look for Marilyn Monroe but guess she wasn't invited, If she was there..... aiyoyo I think my water mouth none stop flow man. If I'm not wrong this year is their 10 years staff party celebration and I hear there is more then hundreds staff has been working in there for 10 years also!!!  I was their ex-staff also back to 4 years ago so I know a little bit of the hotel history lah. Things change, Faces change, Systems change but only one thing I see never change is the "Team Work", Good Job!!! Without you guys Empire Hotel also don't have today. Keep it up and hope to see you guys all for another 10 years again!!!

David Chong...... are you dress up look like a 60 years old of James Dean?
The Best Dress Male and Female contesters
Nice Shoes...... guys where you buy kan????
Staff performers for the Front Desk
This is a crossbones of James Dean and Boney. M
Auntie......... Reverse lah Auntie!!!!!! Aiyo..What are you waiting for???? The Parking So Big!!!
F&B Unit....