Business Marketing

This one sure got learn business marketing one!!! Like that also can think off where to selling car...steady steady!!! Do you watch the Astro channel 732 a program call Parking War? If this is Happen there guaranty+Warranty sure kana saman or tarek the car already!!!
Yesterday I went to Gadong and I saw this. Four used car are parked under the fly over next to the SCB there for sale. I wondering do there apply it and authorize to use that land or not! If don't have then suka suka hati also can so future whoever also can do that lah!!! Eventually sooner or later people also follow start selling Nasi Katok or Ayam Penyet there, Lorry driver also can park their lorry or trailer there too!!!
Hello that is government's properties... If everyone suka-suka hati to do that, siap lah my friends.

(update info 1.25pm 16-8-11 all cars are moved on that area already!!! )