How Is He Now???

Picture pinjam from Adib Judin which I kana Tag!!!

I was deleting and untag some of my photo in my Facebook. I more like it to see my photo album with my face in instead of other people's unwanted goods, holiday landscape photo, advert etc.
I like to be clean and organize way so I go around my photo album see what to untag some photo. 
Then I saw this wanted guy that back to few months ago... I guess is on the May the police is looking for him and also got $5000.00 dollars to rewards.
Then I suddenly wondering how is this fellow now oh!!! Is he kana tangkap already by the police or still in the Run DMC..... Walk This Way!!!!!
Maybe kana tangkap already and post in new paper which I missed reading it... I don't know lah. The last time I heard his story was from my brother he said that this man curi a car near where he stay at Kampong Mentiri!!!
Are we still looking for this man? The $5000.00 still available? Or case close already?