Pump Up The Jam... Pump It Up!!!! look what I found today!!!! This thing is selling in one of the shop at Gadong which is just next to the restaurant who 1st serve Kueh Teow Ayam Penyet.
If you still don't know where ( answer is in TigerLim fans page)
I don't know who much this thing sell and don't dare to open to see inside coz it say Please Don't Open! Maybe after open people may want to try on the spot kali....hahahahahah

Ok I know you people sure say.... "Wah" or "OMG" one right..... Hey what is wrong with this things? There is nothing salah of it!! It may be not for use by lady to enlarge their susu ok!! Is may be is for use those backache "Buang Angin" kali..... hahahah
So anyone got interested to buy one of this to try at home? hahahaha.... Look at the box packaging say
"Family Are Essential, Good Companion of Health" hahahaha