You Can't Hashtag Instagram

Hey Bruthers I don't know you all know this or not but I just found this last week which is this the instagram hashtag lah! Any photos you post in the your IG right... I'm sure many of you got put the hashtag one but do you know if you post a photo with the #instagram in your photo it will now appear one!!! Even you had put many different hashtag like #brunei #makan #gadongmall in front then you put #instagram already all the #brunei #makan #gadongmall will also not appear in the hachtag group!!!

I was discover this last week when I go to visit the Brunei River with Beach Bunch kaki. I shared a sunset photo in my IG and I tag Brunei and Instagram then at night I notice my photo was in the #brunei. Then I look in the #instagram and I discovered it was Zero post in there! Right away this make me curious and I search for the answer! Then I found out we can't put #instagram one!!! I don't know why it cannot lah but it seem like Instagram don't allow people share photo with #instgram lah!
Interesting right.... bah you go try it see can how!!!!

This is the photo I post in the IG and I #instagram it not appear!