Lucky Angpao

I like to share info and latest stuff in town if got eat or new place open I like to be the first on to share with you all. Let me share share something to you all here lah... this one sure many people don't know one... I think only lucky people and very rare people know this! 
If you go L.S eat during the CNY the lady boss she sure put the angpao at the chopstick holder on the first day open in CNY! 
Many people go there eat surely they thought that is for Decoration!! Hehehe this one many people don't know.. actually inside got money one... not much lah only few dollars but is enough already lah!
The reason is the lady boss want the customers good luck and also thank you back them to support her for so many year! She had been doing this for many years already but she don't tell people one...always keep it as secret. If you lucky you'll get it!!
So this year me lucky lah... I got her lucky angpao!! Every table only got one angpao... Me today some here not only because of the angpao but also because of traditional today come here must eat their chow chai meehoon Soup/槽菜米粉湯 that is because of it sound like 招財米粉湯. Chow Cai is like Fortune Coming To You. So you know why I must come and eat here now??? Hehehe hope this year can have a better year lah... If you miss this year after read my blog.. remember next year join me and eat there Ok!!!

This year Angpao is like this!

See... no cone head you one.. inside really got money one!!! Sweet right the lady boss so nice person!!

This is the famous chow chai meehoon Soup/槽菜米粉湯!! Yummy yummy...