The Winner of #AlmeraEco2000DriveChallenge

About the winner of the #AlmeraEco2000DriveChallenge not just the contester wanna know I know excited to know who win the $2000.00 and 4  Yokomaha tyre. Drivers they themselves have to cut the line to release their own result. Result are counted by the average milage per liter of the 2000km trip.
The best result is the car number three average is 18.37 km/liter that is a amazing. The rest of the drive average is between around 15-17km/liter as you can see the guy with car number 3 how good is him to control the driving with skill and technic not let the car makan minyak!! well done I don't think I can do at that way lah...

Each driver has to cut their own line and show the own result