Today is not my day I think. I had scam by one of the famous Money Changer in Gadong. This money changer is located in The Mall ground floor just next to the pharmacy shop!
I can’t believe this is happened on me and somehow is in this lovely peaceful and harmony country Brunei Darussalam.
I was trying to change B$500.00 to Thai Baht. Today’s selling rate is 22.1, so I suppose to receive 11050 baht. But the shop assistant only give me 11000 Thai baht and Bnd$1.40. Funny right? The reason was they don’t have 10 baht or 50 baht notes; so they cannot give the exactly amount; they only have 20 baht notes. But is still incorrect amount they return me $1.40, suppose to be $2.20…At first I though they are counting wrong for me, then when I found out was they are using the buying rate to return me the money. So I told the shop assistant that I really need 11050 baht to give it to my friend for buying things in Thailand, since that you only have 20 baht notes can I make it to 11060 baht? And how much should I need to add on? They told me just needed 50cents. Ok fine! I give then 50 cent more, so all together is $500.50 Brunei dollars a give them. And I go away with my 11060 Thai Baht. But let’s think about it! B$500.50 x 22.1 I suppose to receive 11061…….Or I only should only give $500.45 dollars.
I know it just only a few cents, doesn’t have to make such a big deal about it.
But what I know is when you open a shop to make business you must to be honest to the customer, not by cheating them.
Anyway I’m not trying to say they are a bad business man, but I just want to advise people out there, PLEASE BE A VIGILANT AND SMART COMSUMER!!!