Have to see the calender today? No right!!!! Is Friday the 13th today......
When is the 1st time you heard about it? Do you know what it's all about?
Most of the Angmo believe that this day is going to a bad day right?
I not sure is true or not la.... I never kena a bad day in this particular day before and I hope not in the future too. For me Friday The 13th it only remind me the movie nya......

The 1st time I heard about this Friday The 13th is back to 1980 when I was 6 years old almost 20 years ago already.....
That is the time me and my family had watch a video type name " Friday The 13th". That is a very very scary movie at that time. I remember that time me and my sister watch this kind of movie the time sure have to use the hand and cover our face cause we both really takut la....
This movie from 1980 until now 2009 I think there are more then 8 series already....
The most famous one is the ''Jason Are Back"
This movie is all about a man that it alive when the day friday 13th have come. So the man come out and kill people. And he always kill the teenager in the house or when they having sex or smoking pot or in the lake or camping. Whatever long as he had to kill someone lah...

Until now I still don't understand why he had to kill people.... Maybe is the director told him to do so la....

I had mix the 2 movie trailer together. one is 1980 and the other one is 2009. Sit back and enjoy la!