Have you heard a new cafe had just open few days ago? The name is TOPAZ Cafe & Lounge located at Kiulap! Just behind the Sim Kim Huat there!
I went there just now for dinner with my wife, mother in law and my sister. Basically the environment are not bad la very nice! the waitress service are also good!
But of cause la nothing is perfect one. Something disappointed me are their "Menu"! Maybe is because of they are just open one la, there is not much choice and variety in their menu. Main course Chicken and Lamb only got one choice, beef and sea food got about 3 to 5 like that la! then oh... the menu also look like photo copy at the Indian shop one! I can say the India restaurant's menu are more better then that!!! click the video below there and see their menu!
About the food we order! Not bad! Can eat! worth for try to those lady who not think of wanted to have heavy food only, but not for man! cause the portion are not much surely cannot PUAS HANTI for you!!! especially for a body size like my!!! Some how the price there are not cheap la!!! After the dinner we all still feel a bit hungry. Guess how much we ate???
Is $90.90!!! and yet we all still feel hungry la! My wife also say is not worth the dinner we had today! Never mind la, one year one time and also the First time and the Last time we all eat here!!!
as usual I still have to give them star for the food review too!
Food Presentation 5 Stars
Food Taste 3 half Stars.
Staff Service 3 Stars.
Environment 3 Stars

Click here to see their Menu!