I actually notice this 2 person Look Alike long time ago already but just didn't share it out !
They both are my friends too. I think they look 95.95% the same lo just only their age are big different nya!!!!
One is name Lim Seng form Brunei the other one is name Clement Chon from Brunei too but now currently in Canada.Edmonton.
As far as I know they both are not related one lah and I don't think they know each other too!
Some time I really want to know in this world got which one that is look like me too! I wonder is there any website that can let us to find some one who look like us one oh.... If got really good la! So we can search who are those people, where they live and what they do!!! Good oh this idea right??? If I know how to do this website sure going to be rich as Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook!
Mr. Lim Seng

Mr. Clement Chon

p/s: Sorry to both of you that I didn't ask for the permission of using your both picture in my blog. I hope that you both don't mind la ok. If you both want me to pay money for using the picture please wait for me when I have the "Who Look Like Me" website first lah ok!!! Or I hire you both as my Assistant Manager. Ok!