I'm Mythbuster

Today I cook a kilo Baked Prawn with Cheese.. all the prawn size as big as my palm! Yesterday evening I bought it from my friend's shop one is fresh from sea so today I don't want to waste the freshness tarus I bake it with cheese lah!
Nothing fancy.. just put a little bit of salt, pepper, tomato sauce and soya sauce then cover them with cheese and bake!! simple kan.....
While I finish my prawn I was in the mood to have some orange as my Happy Ending Meal... then suddenly I remember I saw many time in FB people sharing an article saying that Do Not Eat Prawn together with Orange (vitamin c) because a taiwan girl she die because of eating the m both and kana poison!!
So tonight I become the Mythbuster to see is it true or not!! Me ate 500g of prawn and 2 biji orange!! 
Until now I still haven't got any side effect. The only thing I feel uncomfortable is I still hungry now while I update this post!!!
Looks like the prawn with orange will die is a busted!!! lol
I also never hear people die under eating Lemon Prawn one... Thai food also got many dishes prawn cook with lemon(vitamin c) do you see them die??hahahahah 

Prawn and Orange.... Yummy!!!