A place that can give you Day of Life at Kampong Air!!
If you haven't experience a day living at our Brunei famous Water Village a.k.a Venice of the East then let me introduce you this place.
Now is the perfect time lah.. school holiday is coming maybe this place can let you have a short break holiday with your family or friends here.
If you stand at the Yayasan you can see the house of Kunyit 7... if you eyes share enough look for the pondok with green sign Jati 2 and walk straight that is the house of Kunyit 7.
It used to be an old house now transformed to a home stay! You can choose rent a bed (sharing room) or rent a room lah! I find that this place really relaxing... makes me kinda lazy to move especially the sunset in in front of my eyes I feel like my back growing roots into the couch lazy to get up!! hehehe of coz this is not the way to spend the holiday there lah... I still get have to get up and bring my kids to show them how the Water Village inside looks like!
I realize the people here are really friendly and nice, peoples greet and hi to you. We went to the neighbor's house they show us their family tree they all very nice and humble. No wonder the people here love to stay there and don't want to move to the land!!! If I have choice or buy a house here I also think about it and get one! Now come I show you the Kunyit 7 and the places at Kampong Air!

This is the house. Tell the Water Taxi you want to go Jeti 2 then you'll see this house just right in front!
My daughter found kinda hard walking here... hehehe this is her first time she walk at this type of wooden bridge cannot balancing hahah so need the mother to carry her!!
But my elder daughter steady can walk no problem!! Of coz cannot challenge the kids for this kampong lah... they can run, jump, cycling even play kite looking at the sky walking here also no problem!!!
Big right the space here... call out few good friends gathering hang out here one night also not bad!!
You'll experience a different view from the Kampong Air look to the Bandar!!!
My kids like mouse now start exploring the places!!
Almost every items here come with a story!!
If you like it... some you can buy it!!
I notice the owner she likes cat!!! I see cats pictures and art around the house here!
This is the way to the rooms. bathroom and kitchen
Each room has 3 bed!!! either you rent a bed or you want private can rent a room!!! Blue one for man..
Pink one for ladies...
This room suitable for small family or with old people so wake up can easily stand up!!
This is the bathroom and toilet!!
They also have laundry room too...
Sit down here and read your books waiting for your laundry done!!
wow.... from east to west also have people leave their message and review here!!
Time to go see see look look the other places here!!
This is the neighbor and also the relative of Kunyit 7 owner!!!
They show use their family tree... wow very far far away from hundred years ancestor also have!
Some of the house here very unique!!!
Convenient store also have here... we went to buy ice cream!!
This old man build the boat for his own use not for sales!!!
Another very unique house here....
Unique right!!!!
We came to the new and modern water village housing!!!
My kids having fun today!!!
See.. I no lie to you!!! the sunset take you breath away....
Dinner time!!!! at the same time enjoy the bandar night view!!
In fact we have a lot of interesting places to go in Brunei... some time we just lazy go exploring and always think that other countries their moon are bigger!!
In fact the beautiful thing it just right in front of our eyes we did not notice!!
so come.... stay at Brunei and spend the holiday at our beautiful land!!!
If you have any questions about this Kunyit 7 click HERE contact number and more photo in their Facebook!!