GHK Mega Draw

GHK Motors Sdn Bhd recently hosted the much- awaited GHK Mega-Draw event at it’s head office in Beribi for all their customers who purchased GHK brand vehicles from 1st June 2014 till 31st January 2015. Customers who purchased Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge during the promotion period that run for eight months are entitled to win a semi-detached house, a Chevrolet Cruze, a Mitsubishi Mirage and many more attractive prizes.
Attended by more than 2,000 customers and family, this event marked another milestone for GHK Motors where a total of 1,190 cars under the GHK Group were successfully registered. The first five lucky winners for the third prize of a brand new Mitsubishi Mirage 1.2L (AT). The five lucky winners were then asked to pick up a key each with only one key that could open the box to the third-prize.

The second round of lucky winner is  a brand new Chevrolet Cruze 1.6L (AT) as the second winning prize in this GHK Mega-Draw.

The much awaited Grand Prize were selected by GHK Motors Managing Director, YB Pehin Kapitan Lela Diraja Dato Paduka Goh King
Chin whereby the last four lucky winners were hand-picked by Pehin with only ONE key that could open the box to a brand new Semi-D House.

The consolation prizes comprised of an iPad, iPhone6, Samsung phones, TV and cash vouchers were then picked up by the winners who failed to open the lucky boxes. It was such a dramatic and full of suspense as customers were all excited when their numbers were called. After the event, customers were ushered for light refreshments with sumptuous food being served outside the Mitsubishi showroom. It was a joyous and memorable occasions for GHK Group as it marked the end of one of the biggest promotions ever being held by GHK Group.  
The lucky winners are 
3rd Prize : A Mitsubishi Mirage 1.2L :  RAZMI BIN HAJI SAPAR / HAJI SAFAR
2nd Prize : A Chevrolet Cruze 1.6L :  MD SURDAHRI BIN HJ TAHAMID 
Grand Prize : A Semi-D House :  RAIHANA HJRAMLEE