Ok... this is my 1st meal while I in this trip. RBA aircraft's food, I have a Beef Steak this time even my seat is a economy class! You must asking why right? of coz there is a way....Just order your food as LOW FAT MEAL early in your ticket lo!!!! 3 stars....
Ok... now this is in the Alor Street very near to the BB Plaze and Sungai Wang! Fresh 油炸鬼(Char Kueh) hehehe....Nice! 3 and a half stars for this!!!!
Come to Alor Street mush try this 肥仔碌碌FAT BOY STEAMBOAT!!!
Now come to the proper meal there! this is call 黃酒雞( chinese yellow wine chicken ) really delicious my friends....must try there once.5 stars.....
Peneng Fried Kueh Tiao! Best!!!! 4 stars....
肉骨茶(Ba Kut Tea) Best of the Best!!! 5 stars......
O.......this one....I dreaming also eating this. Fried Oyster ( O Wa Jian ) 5 stars......
Next day morning having my breakfast at the Mid Valley Cititel Hotel's restaurant! Normally hotel bf not nice one right? But this one not bad lah here! Got Japanese, Chinese,Malays, India and Orang Putih style bf!!! really not bad I give this all 3 stars....
American BF and Chinese Ba Kut Tea!!!
Mee Mamak, Curry Chicken and the Japanese don't know what name foods!!!
Nasi Lemak.... Don't kidding with the sambal...really hot!!!
And the Guava juice!!!!
Ok....come to KLCC now!!!
This is the Banana Chocolate with peanut!!! 2 stars.....
KL Laksa!!! 3 stars.....
Satey Burger!!! 3 stars.....
Of cuz must try my favorite fast food in the world Mcdonald!!! I never missed him in any country where I go!!!
Come to Sunway....Try their KL Chicken Rice 芽菜雞!!! 3 stars....
I strongly recommended you should try this restuarant here. Really good lah their food here. News paper and Tv got reported their food one o!!!! Prices reasonable!!! Good Food and Good Service but No Aircon!!!
Full House one my friends!!! No introduce wrong one!!!
Thanks to my KL's friends NEW and YAP who bring me here!!! New and his wife!
Ah Yap!!!
This is 黑豆腐Black Bean Curd, it male by Black bean! This is my 1st time to try this is in my life and I also never see this bean curd before. Is really soft and delicious too
Look inside also black colour too!!! Special!!!! 5 stars......
Penang Bee Hoon!!! 3 stars....
KaiLan fried Kailan..... I try this before in Brunei Thiam Hock restaurant!!! Brunei one taste better! I give this 3 stars.....
I like this one... 上湯啦啦La La Soup(La La mean Clam) 4 stars....
月光河粉Moon Rice Noodle...... Do you see the MOON in the noodle there? 3n half stars.....
Not nees I say you also know what is this lah right!!! Butter BBQ Crab( BBC ) 4 stars....
Here are their Bussines Card. Got tel number and adds. go find yourself next time you go there!!!
OK......remember last year I have introduce this Mr Baoz before? That my friend sent a email about them. So now I really tasted. Located at Pavilion Shopping Mall!!! I so surprise by their staff here but not their bun!!! why? cuz their staff must look cute and FAT!!!
See the Cute Fat Fat's staff? she make me feel like wanted to eat their BAOZ......
Cute right!!!
Got Curry, Chicken,Beef, Mutton and Japanese Bun!!!
This one is the Japanese Bun
And this both is Curry Chicken and Mutton inside!!!
I give all of them 3 stars....
One of my favorite food in KL Auntie Anne's. I like the Green Tea one..... 3 stars for you A.Anne!!!!
This is the meal after while I finish watching the Malaysia Grand Prix in Sepang and come back to the hotel. Time 11pm!!! So hungry already!!! I just order whatever I saw in the menu!!!! No time to judge the food liao.
Thai Style Chicken Chop!!!Char Shao Bao!!!
Koropok Ikan Leko!!!
Tony Romas!!! Yahoo!!!! 4n half Stars......
One of my favorite fast food also, But I like the Thailand Burger King...Cause they have Pork Burger there!!!!
I think ours Brunei anyone of the Japanses restaurant also better then This Sushi King Japanese Restaurant. Brunei's one have more choices. their only have a little choice. But the only things make me like here is they had serve........................................................................................
...........................beers!!!! I didn't know that Beers make Japanese food more delicious lah!!! I never try this in Brunei!!! Now I know how to make Japanese food taste better lioa!!!
This is my last meal in my trip Salmon Fish!!! My aircraft lunch!!! Why so good one you may ask right? simple lah........just tell them you want to eat seafood in your meal when you buying your ticket!!!!!5 star..... Ok that's all folks!!! Thanks for watching!!! Are you hungry now? Yes Me too!!!!