Next Beach Bunch Cleaning Date Confirmed

Ok here are the next Beach Bunch cleaning campaign  drop on the May 23th. Location at the Tungku Beach on the left side of the beach as you enter from the main road. If you are interested and want to know more info about this please click here, you may also can join as fans from there too!
I'll update to remind you all again in my blog here lagi.

Love Bird Around My Home!

Don't play play.... got  swallow bird nesting at my home area..... inside the net got 2 little birdie there and it's so cute! I wonder one day is they fly away already can I use the nest to make a Bird Nest soup or not ha? hahaha.... btw at my back yard there also got baby bird too.... but this bird I don't know what it named la. Anyone who know it please let me know what are they called. Thanks