Serasa Beach Cleaup Kickoff

picture taken by Afelda Ghani

Thanks for coming for all the volunteers, divers to make this happen and we manage to collect 15kg of plastic bottle, 1kg of aluminum and 423kg of general waste at the Serasa Beach. On that day we Mr.Sheikh Jamaluddin as our GoH for the event and we have  together with BARA, CARE, Poni Dive Club and also some volunteer from Katak Hijau and HSBC too! 
And there is more picture to be see in the Beach Bunch's blog. Please follow it dude!

Guess what they have found in the sea by those divers.
A first generation of Playstation.

This is my team, we have collect roof, tyre, boat, cloth, jean, bottle, toy, shoe,plate, pillow, tin, container and other unknown stuff! 

Katak Hijau also came to join s for this cleaning and this is what they collect on the Serasa Beach.
Well done guys and thank you so much for coming!