No More Withdraw???

How come like that??? Cannot take money no more? I went to Sumbangsih there and wann take money to pay my bill for servicing my car so I ask my sister to send me there and take money lah. Mana tau the ATM machine cannot withdraw money one... Is not that the ATM no money, is the atm machine don't allow withdraw one!!! Funny kan.. I remember I had taken money there for several time but today I don't see the machine have the function allow to do withdraw! there is not button or word Withdraw there in the screen! I see Deposit, Top Up, Pay Bill but no withdraw!! And another one machine when I insert my atm card it say my card cannot use at this machine!!! So last last I went to Kiarong there and take money lah! 
Funny kan... how come like that? Is that because is a new policy???