Please read the terms and condition 1st before you watch video below!
2010 Chinese New Year coming soon another 4 days lagi! So you and me(Cina) must be
very busy to Prepare, Clean, Decoration for it right! So now me also less time to posting blog and video here. Maybe this will be the last video I post now cause due to the preparation. But of cause la after or the CNY I'm sure going to post some thing here one DON'T worry! So from here I want to Wish You All This Year " BODY HEALTHY " not " CONGREGATED RICHER"
Cause I think healthy are more richer then the money! somehow this day there is so many
virus and diseases out there la, like H1N1, N1E2, HDO2 whatever la so I think Heathy are still the most Important one we needed!
So this year CNY if you visit people house for Bai Nian(拜年) I suggest you say:
"Shen身 De體 Jian健 Kang 康"
instate of
"Gong 恭 Xi喜 Fuck發 Chai財"
Last but not least I would like to say Thank You to all of you that so supportive my blog here
And I want to wish you all
Wan萬 Shi事 Ru如 Yi意
(it means everything also good lah!!!!!!)
Cause I think healthy are more richer then the money! somehow this day there is so many
virus and diseases out there la, like H1N1, N1E2, HDO2 whatever la so I think Heathy are still the most Important one we needed!
So this year CNY if you visit people house for Bai Nian(拜年) I suggest you say:
"Shen身 De體 Jian健 Kang 康"
instate of
"Gong 恭 Xi喜 Fuck發 Chai財"
Last but not least I would like to say Thank You to all of you that so supportive my blog here
And I want to wish you all
Wan萬 Shi事 Ru如 Yi意
(it means everything also good lah!!!!!!)