Anyone wanted to upgrade your laptop rams? I got 2 pieces of 1GB 667Mhz DDR2 ram for sale.....
Recently I had upgrade my Macbook from 2GB to 4Gb. So I decide to sell my old ram here. Both rams are in good condition but it just a slower then my new rams only. If you want to buy it please give me a call or message my number which you can found on the right hand side there.
Price very cheap 2 piece only sell for $60.00. If one piece also sell for $60.00 too. To pick up yourself both for $50.00. No bargain and No Begging unless you use a maker pen write your name on my rams la! Item are refundable but only on the 30th of February doesn't matter how many year you use!. Not need Terms and Conditions to apply! Just give me a call and that's it!!!
Note: This items are really for sale! I no play play!!!