Are You Consent About It?

One day...... one day tu!!!!! Just don't know when all this sign gonna kana you or me or friend's and families' car or head one!!!
Seriously there should have some safety department or city council to do something about it. Coz we never know when is this thing gonna fall.
If kana car it just a small matter... bring to the workshop and come out like new in one week time. If kana someone head.... ai yoyo... don't know can replace a new head or second one head or not lah from the hospital!!!
Got some other are more worse.... no sign no nothing only left the fluorescent bulb and waiting to fall down. Don't you think that is dangerous? eh hello...  got electric or not also don't know what is kana shot 
someone how??? "Sorry.... Kami Minta Maaf!!!!" like that ka???

Is not hard to find all this "Expire" signage one... bila-bila you go any complex also can find. Gadong lah, Kiulap, Kiarong, Batu-Bersurat also have. Some already left the Tulang and some company already move long time ago and just let them die there!!! Ai yo... cannot like that lah first of all this not safety and dangerous second also is an eyesore kan!!!








