
Safety regulation found in the BSM web page


But this brother here I don't know he want to die or don't know how wanted to die. He dare dare to one side fill up the tank and on the other hand he also busy sms his darling there!!!
Hello.... like this also can ah!!! OMG.... wanted to Tapao back to kampong also don't bring other people follow you ma friend!!!
I'm sure you people wandering where is this station one right? Not far one lah... some where in Gadong which also got many workshop, restaurant plus many students waiting their parents to pick them up after school one! So you imagine what if this really fire (touch wood) then how??? Jialat man... the whole Gadong area don't know busy until what liao!!! Some how is a commercial area lagi lah.. so many people and car coming in and out, Guaranty plus Warranty going crazy one there!!!
Seriously this people really really need to give them a class and sit down to teach them how to doing their job. Not just know how to fill up the customer fuel tank and also give them a training how to use the fire extinguisher, evacuation cars,people and some emergency knowledge etc. Seriously this one better don't play play... if not died liao also don't know what's happening.

I wondering he got the Bomba's number in this phonebook or not oh... and please don't tell me that is an calculator!!!

Courtesy to Keegan Khoo