Last night I created a group in my Facebook named
"Brunei 1800 Sunset". The reason why I create this is because I myself also like to take sunset photo and last night I saw 3 of my friends posting sunset photo in their fb, then I have this little idea of isn't it awesome to have a window that I can see different places view of the Brunei's sunset in a same time??? So I make this "Brunei 1800 Sunset", 1800 is the time which mean that is 6pm not the 1800 mp or the numbers of photos!!!! Is six o'clock in evening ok!!!
After I create this group less than 2 hours already got people posting the photos and every photo really looking awesome!!!!
Talk true true now lah ha....... I still think that Brunei have the best Sunset in the world. we not need expensive digital camera to take sunset picture here or do any editing/photoshop with the picture also can have a very nice sunset photo sudah!!! Don't you agree??? And even we doesn't need to drive all the way until the beach there and see sunset, some time just go out side your office, window, backyard, car park, highway, padang, toilet, kampong air.... as long as can see the sky, anyway also got chances to see a magnificent sunset here in Brunei!!!
So Bruther come and join me and share your sunset today!!!!
This group is open for public, if you also like to share your Sunset picture you are welcome. Just go Facebook look for
Brunei 1800 Sunset and ask me for inviting you!!!
At the moment now I only open for posting Brunei Sunset saja!!! Even Kuala Lurah or Sungai Tujuh border also no pakai!!!! heheheh see lah if already chop passport passing brunei kastam can lah!!!
Remember no Nudity or any other some S%#T photos posting there, I'll tarus delete and kick you out from the group.. Don't play play ya!!!!
This is one of the Sunset I love by Fadilah. I turn it up side down, isn't it look like a space station above the earth?
Look.... this one I just use my iPhone and taken outside from my house and no need edit!!! Wonderful plus Beautiful right!!!