Nasi Ayam Kahwin™

Ok fine..... is not called Nasi Ayam Campur loh T.T
One of my friend insist me have to change the mix dishes steam chicken and roasted chicken "Nasi Ayam Campur". He say this is sound so low class and totally doesn't match the name! 
He suggested me a better name for it call "Nasi Ayam Kahwin". The reason is because in coffee shop we have "Roti Kawhin" " Mee Kahwin"(mee+kuah tiao) "Kopi Kahwin"(kopi+tea) and this Nasi ayam should also name "Nasi Ayam Kahwin" to match them also!!! 
Think about it...yeah make sense also!!! So ok lah.... Nasi Ayam Kahwin lah!!!