Jolly Trainers' Conference

I'm sure you remember this Jolly Language School which I coverage in my blog before right bruther...If you haven't or can't remember see here. Recently the principal of Jolly Language School, Aida Muhammad Yasin attended the Jolly Trainers' Conference held recently at Gilwell Park, Chingford, UK. The International conference saw 50 Jolly Phonics Professional Trainers representing over 20 countries around the world and she is the one who representing Brunei. The conference runs by Jolly Learning Managing Director Chris Jolly, the publisher for the successful phonics programme, Jolly Phonics.
Wow.... looks like recently there is a lot people in Brunei representing Brunei to attend some international event in UK yah!!  Of coz the Olympic is the best but I wonder is there any blogger conference in UK also hehehe if I was invite OMG.... that will be awesome!!!

Aida Muhammad Yasin with the Managing Director of Jolly Learning, Christopher Jolly

Sue Lloyd in action. Thanks to her a lot of children in the world not just can read but enjoy reading. 

With delegates from Nigeria

 Aida Muhammad Yasin with the authors of Jolly Phonics, Sara Wernham & Sue Lloyd.