You Are Always In My Mind

If you yesterday got watch the Olympic Woman Weightlifting I'm sure you know what I mean here! 
Jialat now my brain forever got her imagine when every time I saw armpit hair!
You really expected she come out like that didn't shave her armpit hair! If little bit I understand and still can accept but is this over... is hairy and bussy! Omg.... you can't believe that she is from Australia Melbourne! If she is from the 3rd world country I can't forget her.... I think her couch saw it but just don't dare to tell her to shave it before go up to the stage! Later she marah tampar him pengsan....hahahaha
Even she didn't get any medal of this year London Olympic but I'm sure the whole world also know her now! Don't play play.....she is really famous bruther!!! Everyone now share her photo in FB but not much people know what's her name.
Do you wondering who is this lady? Her name is Seen Lee from Australia Melbourne. Age:29
for more information about her you can log on HERE. or Here

Watch her move!!!

Even my armpit bulu also cannot challenge her!!! She is awesome lah!!!!!