Chinese new year is coming soon and it only left 15 days more. I believe some chinese family now already started planning and do some preparation for the day. Me also now started preparing something for the CNY but I do a little bit different this year and I do something not usually chinese people do!
I adopted a lion dance!!!
Yes I think I'm the first one in Brunei who did this; FYI is very hard to find someone or the Chinese community has a Lion Dance team willing to give away an old/used lion dance, mostly the lion which is old or out of order they'll usually burn it away unless you go buy one from outside for yourself lah!!!
I so lucky to have a chance in a special occasion one of my friend he give this to me! Of coz I'm have to give something back to him (an Angpao lah of coz)
This Lion I still have to fixing some part especially the mouth. I have no idea where to start and how to fix but I try my best to fix it before CNY. I'm gonna put him outside my house for decoration I'm sure it gonna be good looking with my house!!! Hehehehe me this year not need to call those chinese community to come my house for Lion Dance already!! I have my own Lion sit down there to guiding my house!!! Cool ya!!
At the moment I put him in my other apartment which I haven't move in yet!!! The reason is I want to give my family a surprise and also this is an old Lion and have been visit other people house for past few year... You know lah some kind of Pantang lah!!! It just like an old dog that you adopt from your friend but you will never put them inside the house due to the Hygiene right!!!
I'll update it again after I have fix this Red Lion one day... Maybe before 3rd of February lah!
I'll update it again after I have fix this Red Lion one day... Maybe before 3rd of February lah!