Ya ya ya.... I sure you gonna say Wao!!! This is actually what I have it now on my table but not all is belongs to me. Thanks to Andrew Cheng, Joseph Wong and Reuben Chin borrow me some lens to try on and some other folks teaching me and giving me some technic and advise about the DSLR. Thanks to them so I'm not stuck with buying lenses and at the of the day now I decide what to get. Now I'm using a Nikon D90, 80-200mm f2.8, 18-105mm kit lens(sold). 18-200mm, 28-70mm, 10-20mm (sigma),10-17mm(fisheye) 50mm f1.8 and SB-28, SB-700 speedlight and MB-D80 battery grib. I think is have enough now and at the moment not going to buy any lenses again. At the moment I'll stick to the 18-200mm lens first until I ok with the skill then maybe one day I go for the FX body.