Oral Me Please...

Husband: Honey.... Did you get an oral me last night?
Wife : Yes I did......
Husband: Where?
Wife: At Hua Hohohoho.... don't you remember?
Husband: I can't remember coz we are in a rush!
Wife: So do you like it?
Husband: Yah.... I loving it!!!
Wife: How do you feel now?
Husband: Freshening  and Smooth!!!

 Is is some kind of joke or what? What kind of marketing is this and come  out this kind of name. "Oral Me" don't you think it have sound like ironic? At first I though it just another copy cat product from China, sekali I search it from the google I found a lot of article about this "Oral Me" product. Check here, Here or Here
I understand "Oral" what's the meaning of; and we also have an "Oral Test" during the "O" level test. But if you put an word "Me" after "Oral" for an dumbass like me "Broken-English Blogger" also know what it mean of lah...782546406903425. 
This is really funny man... I think maybe this is their part of marketing plan so they get free advertising form people like me. This product I guarantee cannot pass putting advert on the road side one like big big high high what we use to see here... If can put I One Year Don't Eat Rice ah......