
I know many people out there are upset about the road survey yesterday especially for those parents who sent their children to school and late for the exam. Looks like there is a lot of dislike comment flying in the FB and Twitter... I understand that the survey looks like doing in the wrong timing and cause people late for work and school but guys sabar..... sabar saja.... is not like everyday forever one. Just for only couples of day saja lah!! For more info about the survey you can check HERE and HERE   

Ok lah... if next time there is a heavy traffic jam at the Tungku Link highway you can use this short cut which is I always use. Sorry for the Jangsak, Lambak and Tutong roaad user I don't have short cut there. This short cut I try many times already if there is a jam start from UBD or before the Giant supermarket there... It can save my time almost 10 minutes or 15 minutes. If you want to go Airport Lama for work this is the best detour you can use but of coz after I share this video some day this road also been jam one day. What to do.... I already keep my promise my FB if there is more than a hundred "LIKE" I'll show my short cut here.