RTB+Consumer Fair At ICC!

Today the Consumer fair start already lo... Maybe is because today is thursday that's why I don't see much people got there la! But I'm sure tomorrow friday memang many people one! If you ask me how was it? I only can tell you... LIKE THAT LO!!! OK LO!!! SO SO LO!!! SAME LIKE LAST YEAR LO!!! got the Winter Wonderland this year but I'm not sure good or not cause have to pay $1.00 per entry. not sure how it look like inside, maybe they put 20 unit of 5 hp A/C and blast the room and some fake sow deco so look like the winter sonata set???
Anyway.. if you boring boring got nothing to do in this 4 days... bring your family or friends go there and see see look look! Mana tau you see me there too cause I got a show to run on the other conference hall there!

This is my friend Jason Ong he also got one booth here! If you got wedding picture want to SHOOT? can look for him. You want him to SHOOT your up SHOOT down SHOOT left SHOOT right SHOOT front or SHOOT your BACK side he also can take a nice SHOT of you! his got a studio name Masamichi Studio click here to view his site la!