Yes... I ordinary came from Seria Town one..... Surprise!!!!!
In 1978 that's the time we moved to Bandar Seri Begewan. Then every week end or holiday my father always bring us back to the Seria town and visit the friends, neighbor and relative. So I can say that I'm a 20% of Serian...( that's sound cool Serian hehehe ) But of coz after some time when we used the life in Bandar we also start seldom going down; accept my father!
I still remember a vivid memories of my life in my parents shop which is just in front the Seria Plaza.
We always play on the walkway; never care other people walking by. I like to sit inside a cupboard and my brothers pushing me from one end to another end....
So today I went down to the Seria town together with my wife, daughter niece,mother in law plus maid go there eat eat and go go!!! I try using my camera to take back some of my baby memories and share with you all. Actually the town not much things chance lah just the road and some building looks different only.
The Marina Cinema never change still look the same but just no more movie played. Some of the old shop still there and still look the same especially the metal gate/door chairs, table, cabinet, fan, tiles.. really die old skoll man!!
Here are some picture I took and let me show you my baby time Seria!!!
I can't remember when is the last time I watching movie here with my parents but I remember we never go to the toilet and wewe one, Just wewe on the floor of where we seat. Back to 70's and 80's that is how the kids do! coz the cinema is very dark kids never dare go toilet alone. If girl just go to a corner saja.... no body see one and that's is when last time the cinema are very smelly wewe one!!! Not only smelly wewe but also you can smell people smoking in front or beside of you. On that is watching movie also can see Smoke rising up one!!!
This is the Seria town. Back to my time there is a lot of trees and grasses but now I think this place are more hotter than last time!!!
It used to have a small field here and my elders brother they all always play football, bicycle and play fire there. But I was too young and my maid always keep me away from them!
This is my heaven. As I say I like to sit in a box and my elder brother pushing me from on end to other end. I only can play around this area or in front of our shop only so my mom can see me and my maid! DPP back to 60's 70's this place are very happening one! Every weekend sure people mountain people sea come here and buy stuff form our shop. Even people from Bandar came to Seria town must went to our shop one time, walaupun on the way going back to Bandar and then realize forget to visit here, sure turn back to our shop again one...DPP!!!

This is not our shop but just want to show you this kind or gate is hardly see again and I don't think still got people doing this. Only go to the old old shop some still have. As you can see how Tahan is it this thing! Some how got their shop name on the door one!! good good!!!
I still prefer the old food store at the other side one! I think that one is got more feel and the kolomee also taste better. But don't know why move to this new place the Seria kolomee also not like last time that good liao!!!
The famous Seria Kolomee!!! Bandar come to Seria sure must eat one! No eat like no coming to Seria one! Right?
You still can see this kind of old skoll chair here in some of the coffee shop. FYI all this chair are older than you and me. My mom told me back to her Young and beautiful time this chair already in the shop! Can you imagine that last time old old stuff really really tahan/lasting lah! Not like now the plactic red chair made in China one sit no more than 2year all have to throw already; if not the backrest start getting backward then is the four legs open wider and wider!!!
This is good!!! Golden Pillow and Kopi C. If you looking for a classic taste, this coffee shop is the right choice!!!
I don't think you can find this in Bandar anymore. I know there is one shop at Plaza Altira there have something like this But is not the Original type. Here The Classic biscuits is real real original one man!!!
We some time still having this kind of Kid's food at home. Is good for children cuz it wasn't that sweet as like what we have now(of coz is not the color color on top one lah). Some how is easy to melt and is yummy to eat with Milo too!!! Sia sia pun!!!