New Movie

I received a mail from Haji Yusrizam and he wanted me to help his gang to share their video in my blog here. Ya why not and I like to help people too but of coz don't come with money stuff lah... I also got limited edition one. This is good..... I love to see the Brunei people post some video in YT and especially like this type. I can see not many people here are love and starting making their own movie, video clip and MTV. This video just release today and I can see they paid a lot of effort and times in this video and please do give them a claps walaupun the production look cheap but DPP they also have sound effect and CG effect in the video too.
 Come come people out there if you also have like this kind of hobby making video, please don't malu and come share with us. We want to see more local talented people here in Brunei and please don't hiding yourself. If you have some video like this but not much viewer, just send me your link to me and let me help you to share it with the Brunei.
p/s: must and only for Brunei make video saja. 

Here are the some other video link that I like and is made in Brunei.