My Favorite Honey Butter Toast@Babu's Kitchen

Yeah..I know I know... I very bad... I'm making some people feel hungry sorry if you are in fasting.
But I really want to share this my favorite at Babu's Kitchen. Every time I makan here sure guaranty order this Honey Butter Toast. I had try other cafe and coffee shop but still this one here are my favorite.
I'm sure people who live or work at Bandar guaranties know where is this Babu's Kitchen one it just behind the SCB is very easy to find one lah.
Not only I like to eat, my daughter also like it too.... every time when I makan there sure tapao one for my daughter.
Tea Tarek and Honey Butter is a must for me when I eat there and then I'll order another one main course. Either their Kuching Laksa or the Big Prawn Noodle. Too bad today they don't serve it so the waitress introduce me their Vietnam Mee.
I never try it and this is my first time. Again I was impress by their foods lagi. Ok I'm gonna put this dishes in my list. Maybe next time I shall try with their rice not with the noodles... Rice I think is much better then noodles because of the sauce. 
FYI during the Ramadhan month now they also have opened until Sungkai and 10% discounts during that time. Their hotline-222-1323